Since Google+ launched in June 2011, many businesses have invested little or no time into the social media network despite the many benefits, such as having one of the largest user bases and being included in SEO when it comes to Google’s search re ...
You've sat through watching a 6-minute long Youtube video only to see the best part at the 5:42 mark. Now you want to share this part with your friends but not if they have to sit through the whole video or if you have to explain to them where the be ...
Posting a blog isn't as simple as writing your content and hitting the publish button, there are many other things to keep in mind if you want your post to reach as many readers as possible. How the search engines will index your post, how social med ...
Last week, I attended the Learn With Google For Publishers day-event in Los Angeles put on by the Adsense team. I had previously attended 2 Adsense In Your City events and found them to be useful, mainly the 20 minute sit-down given by a Google repre ...
Facebook has been collecting information about its users, their businesses, their likes, and their social connections for years and the mounds of data they have accumulated are about to be put to use with Graph Search. Read more ...
While the Google+ social network doesn't currently have the popularity that Facebook and Twitter do, there are still many good reasons to setup your business' page, especially with Google's search results giving more prominence to Google+ Pages. Part ...
Creating a Custom Tab for your business is fairly easy, the difficult part is setting it up in Facebook, getting through their documentation and screen settings, and ensuring you have the minimum requirements. The Custom Tab appears on the Facebook p ...
On March 30, 2012, all Facebook Pages changes to the new Timeline format. The new look and feel changes your Page considerably but it gives you the option of adding in a Canvas Photo to the top of your Page to attract more attention and customize the ...
Branding your company's Twitter page can easily be done by simply adding a background image to your Twitter Account in the Settings. However, getting the dimensions right so it displays nicely can be tricky, especially with all the different screen s ...
Whenever you share a link on Facebook or you paste a link into your status update, you'll notice that it displays a title and sometimes a description and photo. To change what information is displayed when a page on your website is displayed involves ...