On April 21, 2015, Google is scheduled to make a significant change to how their search algorithm ranks their mobile search results as Google will begin to include how mobile-friendly your website is. This will have a big impact on search results, wi ...
Since Google+ launched in June 2011, many businesses have invested little or no time into the social media network despite the many benefits, such as having one of the largest user bases and being included in SEO when it comes to Google’s search re ...
Last week, I attended the Learn With Google For Publishers day-event in Los Angeles put on by the Adsense team. I had previously attended 2 Adsense In Your City events and found them to be useful, mainly the 20 minute sit-down given by a Google repre ...
Many major websites now provide areas for users to comment on products and services being sold. Added to this, Google allows users to comment on companies through their Places page and import comments from other popular sites, all of which end up sho ...